Meet the Team
The professional and highly trained team behind Flying Changes are dedicated to offering a 5* customer service. Here you will find nothing is too much trouble and most of us have an equestrian background, so we truly understand our products and the requirements of our customers.
Sarah Cheetham - Founder, Owner, MD

New beginings...
For a lifelong passionate and professional rider, who has represented GBR in the sport of dressage, injury and being told to never get back on a horse, could signify an ending. For Sarah Cheetham, however, it was the start of a new beginning.
In 2012 she sustained a serious back injury and was told her riding career was over. However, Sarah flatly refused to give up riding but she did agree to take a year out of the saddle in order to heal. During this time, she seized the opportunity to launch her business idea.
“I could have sat around and felt sorry for myself. But I always try to turn a negative into a positive. As an experienced rider I knew exactly what specifications had to be met for clothing to adhere to FEI regulations. But I also had lots of ideas for customisations that would set riders apart from their competition.”
With over 25 years of competitive riding and working in the industry, there are very few who know more than Cheetham about equestrian clothing. That’s why top riders around the world, including Team GBR, trust only Flying Changes to kit them out for the most important competitions of their lives. In a sport that relies on presentation and confidence, competitors must be able to rely on their kit.
“It’s all in the detail - we look at every piece from every angle. A coat may look great on a standing mannequin, but when worn by a seated rider it can be a disaster. I know exactly how riders need to look but also how they need to feel when they compete. Every rider has a preference so it’s our job to offer trusted, flexible guidance and go the extra mile to ensure they are completely happy.”
Leading by example
Despite the inevitable challenges of running a rapidly expanding international business, Sarah still successfully competes at the highest levels today. Often seen at the shows combining her own riding with that of running a trade stand.
I am a great believer in the philosophy that people buy people. When the brand first started our customers were buying me, they could sense the passion, attention to detail and genuine desire to create a wonderful, well fitting garment, that drove me. This is what I endeavour to pass on to my staff. Customer service is absolutely paramount at Flying Changes and I believe the best way to do this is to lead by example."

Linda Hall -
Sarah and Linda met through their love of horses with Linda loaning Sarah’s ex international GP horse Spinny. As their friendship grew so did the idea to set up a sister company to Flying Changes to design fabulous quality jackets, coats, shoes, boots and handbags that are designed and created with the customer in mind.
An opportunity to create something unique, of your choice, that no one else will be wearing. We believe fashion should be fun so next time you’d like to design something a bit different and match your jacket with a trim on your shoes, or design your pet a matching coat then come and speak with us to find out more about our stunning Elizabeth Hall range of products.
Linda can often be found on show days browsing through the fabric books on the look out for the next fabulous design.
Lina Fuga -
Fluent in German, English and Russian, Lina manages our headquarters in Swindon.
Often having to wear many hats, all of which she does in a highly efficient and organised manner, she is also the friendly voice you are most often likely to hear if you call us.
Lina has an excellent understanding of all our products, she manages all the orders placed with our production team in Germany and works closely along side Sarah, carefully assessing any adjustments to measurements and determining suitability of fabric choices and designs.

Lindsay Cook
Lindsay is a recent addition to our team, a rider herself, she has fitted in perfectly and is mainly tasked with taking care of all our booking keeping and general admin.

Rosemary Swadden
Another rider among us, Rose is our in-house seamstress. She can pretty much put her hand to anything, from simple alterations to producing our lovely matching stocks and accessories.

Alexander Cheetham
Alexander rode as a child and played polo in the army. An old Etonian, his sense of style and traditional tailoring has often influenced our men's designs.
However, he is most relied upon for his IT skills and generally making sure all our communication systems are running smoothly in the office.

Mallory Gibbons
Mallory has been with us five years now, another rider, she is most often found helping customers at our big trade events such as Badminton and Olympia.
A complete whiz kid on Instagram she also manages our social media accounts and is usually the one behind our fun competitions and give-aways.

Lillie Keenan
Forming a collaboration with top US International show jumping rider, Lillie Keenan, to produce her own brand of clothing has been one of the most rewarding aspects of the business so far.
We very much look forward to expanding and developing this collection and range of products together, in the coming years.

Louisa Eadie
Louisa is our International head of sales, British born but based in the US and a top International grand prix dressage rider. She has been with us for 4 years now.
Louisa is the person to contact for our custom products in the US, based during the season in Wellington Florida and Connecticut for the rest of the year. She also supports Lillie's collection of products and handles any of our International trade enquiries.
And our wonderful models!

Alex Reeve and Orteya
Alex is herself a successful event and dressage rider. The magic she brings to our shoots, seems to transform everything she wears. Teya is our beautiful Portuguese Podengo, who we rescued from Spain 3 years ago.

Dean Skeates and
Stoiber's Black Pearl
Dean is a successful International dressage rider and is always fun to work with. He usually has the task of handling Stoiber's Black Pearl, who would certainly steal the show given half a chance!

Amber Zakrzewski
Amber was one of the first models we ever used, a polo player herself, her natural elegance and poise, seems to suit all our styles.